Tuesday, August 24, 2010

I tried to make most of the changes that were mentioned below. I'd say about a day or so and it's done.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Clampin' it

Hey Jeff, I didn't read your post until now but I think I KIND of demonstrated what you were saying. Still a work in progress but I like where it's going.

Check this iteration out!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Lip Sync

Here's my second blocking in attempt. Let me know what you think.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Final Quadruped Run Cycle

Here's my "final". Any comments would be much appreciated.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Running Quadruped Cycle Part 2

Hey Jeff I didn't catch your comment until I had made this playblast. I'll give your suggestions a shot. Thanks for the input.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Running Quadruped Cycle Part 1

So the walk has turned into a run cycle. The rig just isn’t made to walk like a dog. The creatures hind legs are too long in relation to the front legs. This makes for 2 different strides. The hind legs would be long and slow while the front legs would be much quicker. Now I must say that the creature is capable of having an evenly paced walk cycle. It’s just that it’s not the way the creature SHOULD walk. In the walk cycle I saw, the legs are always bent, making the walk inefficient. If I had to hazard a guess, I feel the animal’s main method of locomotion would be akin to a rabbit. It would hop.

However, when I realized this, I really didn’t want to give up on this model. The rig is too customizable to just throw it to the side. Instead, I decided to tackle a run cycle. This is a pretty interesting one to do. Right off the bat was the realization that I wasn’t going to be able to tackle this like a normal walk cycle. I used a similar method of using a “treadmill” to avoid skating occurring on the feet, but this method differed in the sense that I had to animate most of the body at once (as opposed to just the feet, then dealing with the rest later). After a couple days this is what I have so far. I’m fairly pleased with how it’s turned out so far. There are still controls I haven’t even touched yet as I’m just trying to nail the core components at the moment. Limbs are “colliding” with each other so I have to figure that out as well. The animation isn’t as smooth as I would want it to be but the graph cleaning will come last.

Anywho, here’s what I have so far.

Comments very much appreciated

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Walkin' Dog v2

Added some more overlap on the ears, tried to fix the popping on the front leg, fixed a tiny little pop that was happening in the back leg.

Also, it looks like the front left paw is bouncing a bit when it hits the ground, but I've fixed that already.


Monday, August 2, 2010

Walkin' Dog

I'm not sure if anybody is working on this since we didn't make a post, and it was really just an idea between Randal and I... but hey! I've been working on making a dog walk! I originally started with the Nico rig (this one), but decided to go with something simpler for the sake of learning.

Anybody have time to give it a look?

Monday, July 26, 2010

A contender appears!

Hey this is Randal, I'll be looking to work on the next animation challenge. I decided to scrap the dino for now. When are you guys looking to start the new one?

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Cerilli's Injured Walk - v2

Here we go, round 2. Thanks a bunch for the feedback guys, it was quite helpful. I tried to address the issues that were mentioned, they were all good points. The only thing I didn't really change was the timing of the limp step. The timing was pretty close to what I had in my reference so I was worried about messing it up, but I instead tried to emphasize the weakness of his bad leg by dropping his hips more dramatically as the foot makes contact. I'm not sure if that's working though, so it still might need to be changed.

Also! I learned that using IK on the hand with the gun made it about 1000 times easier. Should have thought of that from the start!

Thanks again for the suggestions, and if anybody has time for one more round of feedback, it would be very much appreciated!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Cerilli's Injured Walk

This seems like a convenient place to post! If anybody has some time, I would appreciate some feedback on what I have.

For a Quicktime version which is easier to loop: Right-click here, and save it.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Injured walkcycle challenge W.I.P pt. 2 - Pete

All the crit on my previous w.i.p actually really help me! Thanks guys! Here's take two of my walkcycle. I straighten the left arm and shifted his pelvis more towards that side. Hopefully this will show that he is carrying some weight on his left side. What do you guys think? Also straighten up his poster so that he doesn't look like he's crouching like justin mentioned. Please continue to rip this apart! cause it dose really help me!

To watch it looped go here

look i'm a contributer contributing!

Alright, so after a challenging night of using proxies to get passed the great fire wall of China, some squinty at my laptop SINGLE monitor in Maya, and using a mouse whose middle button always scrolls by accident, i was finally able to get this ONE IMAGE out of my night.  This is a little hint as to what my character will be going through.  Am i sadistic? I shall do some blocking in the coming days.  GUAHAHAHAHA.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Injured walkcycle challenge W.I.P - Pete

Ok guys! I am gonna go ahead and start this challenge off. Hopefully this will motive you guys to get started.... So here is what i have so far. Still a work in progress but feel free to give me feed back! I want to give the arm holding the gun more weight and show it dragging more on the ground. Im not sure how i can do that... any advice?

Scenario is simple, a solder dude that got shot in the gut OR just a major case of diarrhea...pepto anyone? LOL

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Animation Challenge # 1: "Injured walkcycle"

Create a walkcycle of a character injured. You have total freedom of how your character is being depicted. Create a scenario for yourself and post a description alongside your video clip. (ie. A solder returning from a battle field with a broken arm)

Posting of your progress is highly encourage during the process but your final animation must be finished by july 7th.

If you are planning to participate in this challenge please message us your blog's email account so that we can give you admin to post your videos. When you are invited, *make sure you check your email to confirm the invitation*

roughly 2-4 sec looped
Deadline: 2 weeks from now (July 7th)
Penalty for being late: Buying beers each to fellow contestant. :)

If your looking for a pretty decent rig to animate with, I would recommend the Norman rig which can be found here: http://sites.google.com/site/normanrig/

Good luck and have fun!